What is Canvas?
Canvas is a course management system that supports online learning and teaching. It allows instructors to post grades, information, and assignments online. Canvas offers discussion boards, chat rooms for live discussions, centralized email (so you can stay in touch with your instructor and communicate with other students), and even a way to submit assignments and take exams.
How do I access Canvas?
You can access Canvas through your school's Community Site, Student Gateway, and/or Employee Intranet (if you are an employee). Clicking "Go to Classes" in the top-right of the site or clicking "Canvas" under the Quick Links section in the home page will take you to Canvas. You can also access Canvas directly through this link: https://tcsedsystem.instructure.com/ For UWS, please use this link: https://canvas.uws.edu/
If you are not signed in already, you may be prompted to sign in after clicking one of these links. Visit this article for help with signing in to your student/alumni account.
How do I use Canvas?
For detailed information and video tutorials on how to use Canvas, please take a look at the following guides from the Canvas community & knowledge base:
- For Students:
- Canvas Student Guide
Canvas Video Tutorials for Students
- For a quick overview, check out: Canvas Student Getting Started Video Series
- For Instructors:
- Canvas Instructor Guide
Canvas Video Tutorials for Instructors
- For a quick overview, check out: Set Up Your Canvas Course - Instructors Video Series